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July 2008


Quotidiano Nazionale
Mortgages: a new extra exclusive guarantee
Better to keep accumulating funds
"Double Chance" so as not to miss the bus

QN_26luglio08.pdf (1.16 Mb)

Milano Finanza
Mortgages: a new extra exclusive guarantee
"Double Chance" so as not to miss the bus

Milano_Finanza_26luglio08.pdf (498 kb)

Il Secolo XIX
Mortgages: a new extra exclusive guarantee
"Double Chance" so as not to miss the bus
Sostieni il progetto Piccolo Fratello

Il_Secolo_XIX_26luglio08.pdf (610 kb)

Bloomberg Borsa & Finanza
Suddenly disabled? Your house becomes yours
"Double Chance" so as not to miss the bus

Bloomberg_Borsa_e_Finanza_26luglio08.pdf (613 kb)


Corriere dell'Umbria
Mortgages, Mediolanum introduces a further exclusive guarantee
"Double Chance" so as not to miss the bus

Corriere_dellUmbria_25luglio08.pdf (611 kb)

Mortgages - Suddenly disabled? Your house becomes yours for ever
Motorhome-Bank travels in Veneto

Ventiquattrominuti_25luglio08.pdf (520 kb)

Il Mondo
Suddenly disabled? Your house becomes yours for ever

Il_Mondo_25luglio08.pdf (402 kb)

Il Denaro
Suddenly disabled? Your house remains yours
"Double Chance" so as not to miss the bus

Il_Denaro_25luglio08.pdf (584 kb)

Il Tempo
Suddenly disabled? The house becomes yours
The start of “Double Chance” so as not to miss the bus

Il_Tempo_25luglio08.pdf (565 kb)

La Stampa
Mortgages: a new extra exclusive guarantee
The funds’ resource
Double Chance, so as not to miss the bus

La_Stampa_25luglio08.pdf (611 kb)

Il Giornale
Suddenly disabled? Your house becomes yours for ever
Better to keep accumulating funds
"Double Chance"so as not to miss the bus

Il_Giornale_25luglio08.pdf (638 kb)

Il Giornale di Sicilia
Mortgages: a new extra exclusive guarantee
The funds’ resource
Double Chance, so as not to miss the bus

Giornale_di_Sicilia_25luglio08.pdf (637 kb)

La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno
Mortgages: a further exclusive guarantee
Accumulating funds is a good deal
Double Chance, a double opportunity

La_Gazzetta_del_Mezzogiorno_25luglio08.pdf (610 kb)


Mortgages: a further exclusive guarantee

Economy_24luglio08.pdf (439 kb)


Il Gazzettino
Suddenly disabled? Your house becomes yours for ever
Better to keep accumulating funds
"Double Chance" so as not to miss the bus

Il_Gazzettino_23luglio08.pdf (636 kb)

Il Mattino
Suddenly disabled? Your house becomes yours for ever
Better to keep accumulating funds
"Double Chance" so as not to miss the bus

Il_Mattino_23luglio08.pdf (669 kb)

Il Messaggero
Suddenly disabled? Your house becomes yours for ever
Better to keep accumulating funds
"Double Chance"so as not to miss the bus

Il_Messaggero_23luglio08.pdf (661 kb)

Mortgages: a further exclusive guarantee
Better to keep accumulating funds
Double Chance, so as not to miss the bus

LiberoMercato_23luglio08.pdf (632 kb)


Suddenly disabled? Your house becomes yours for ever
Better to keep accumulating funds
"Double Chance" so as not to miss the bus

CorrierEconomia_21luglio08.pdf (661 kb)

Affari & Finanza
Mortgages: a further exclusive guarantee
Double Chance, so as not to miss the bus
Better to keep accumulating funds

Affari_e_Finanza_21luglio08.pdf (604 kb)


Local Press
Mortgages: a new extra exclusive guarantee
Better to keep accumulating funds
"Double Chance" so as not to miss the bus


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