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Campaigns and Communication

The Group's communication work began in the early eighties through events promoting the new profession of Family Banker®, using television and press campaigns to recruit specialists in the savings field. At the same time there were campaigns to launch the new savings products (mutual funds) and pension products.

The “Mediolanum” brand appeared on the jerseys of Arrigo Sacchi's
great AC Milan team which was tremendously successful, including internationally. Some years later Mediolanum was one of the first sponsorships in Italian professional football.


Campaign 2005 - Riflex

2005 is a year of major advertising commitment for Banca Mediolanum. Creativity focuses on two innovative products: a new current account Riflex and a credit card Riflex Card.
Once again, Banca Mediolanum president Ennio Doris guarantees the quality of client service by embodying the bank and conveying a sense of security. The ads were shot with the support of Alboran in the historic Cinecittà Theatre 5 which, at 2908 square metres, is the biggest in Italy.
The campaign unfolds during the course of the year in all media on the basis of an integrated communication plan: television, daily and periodic press, radio, Internet and billboards.
Play the commercial " Conto Riflex"
Windows Media Video
15"  format (76 kb)
Windows Media Video
45"  format (1.911 kb)
Play the commercial "Carta Riflex"
Windows Media Video
15"  format (76 kb)
Windows Media Video
30"  format (1.255 kb)