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Our values

Freedom is the core value on which Mediolanum is built: the freedom for customers to bank wherever, whenever and however they want. Above all, the freedom that comes with knowing a Family Banker® is always on hand to help manage their savings and interests. Mediolanum's aim has always been to change the very concept of banking by building a closer and more personal relationship with its customers.

Our focus is on our customers, who are at the centre of our banking model. Our approach is built around customer satisfaction and increasing the value of their resources over time. For our customers and for the community, the Family Banker® is the Bank, the core of our business model and a market benchmark. We believe in developing people and in enhancing their potential; we believe in collaboration, teamwork and in building relationships based on mutual trust.

We want to be market leaders but, above all, we want to set the standard, pursuing excellence in terms of services, products, solutions, training and relationships. We foster ethical principles, a sense of responsibility, an entrepreneurial spirit and the expertise to increase the value of the Company and its people and promote a new approach to opportunities. We invest in solidarity, relief and development projects through substantial, concrete assistance.

We have the capacity to change, in terms of technology and ideas, in order to anticipate market shifts and future needs. We are continually assessing and developing new tools, processes and behaviour to ensure complete customer satisfaction for both internal and external customers. The use of financial, operational, and human resources is always focused on efficiency. The Code of Ethics, updated in September 2013, summarises the Group's values and commitments towards its stakeholders in performing its day-to-day business.