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Savings Specialists

The Family Bankers® are the face and the voice of the Mediolanum Group. Becoming a Family Banker® means not just professional and economic growth, but also human. It means choosing to become a freelance professional, enjoying the freedom to organise your personal and work life without giving up the chance of very high earnings.
Career prospects are completely open and don't have fixed earning limits - it all depends on your own capabilities.

We're looking for people with:
  • Ambition and self-confidence
  • Independence and initiative
  • Determination and perseverance
  • Versatility and flexibility
All that, as well as the strong inclination towards client relations that every Advisor must have and demonstrate on a daily basis.

Now you can choose between two career paths: professional, for those with a bent for client relations and portfolio management, and managerial, for those with an aptitude for selection, training and supervision.

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