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16.43 p.m.

Press Release

Banca Mediolanum for te regions of Liguria and Tuscany Helping customers impacted by the flood

As we have done in similar cases in the past, such as last year’s flooding in Veneto or in Piedmont in 1994, Banca Mediolanum announces its intention to offer all of its customers and Family Bankers who suffered damage from the flooding that ravaged Liguria and Tuscany the possibility to suspend the payments on their existing mortgages and personal loans for one year.

Furthermore, we will make loans available at special rates (prime rate -2.5%) for those customers and agents who request them, in order to recover from the damage sustained following the flood (applications must be received by 31 December).

With these initiatives, Banca Mediolanum continues to stand by its customers in their times of need, as it did in 2008 by unilaterally reducing the spread on mortgages, by intervening on policies with underlying Lehman bonds in order to avoid losses for customers, and by establishing a “Solidarity Fund” for mortgage holders who could no longer pay their instalments due to serious disease or injury.

Banca Mediolanum also announces that it has opened a special account for the collection of donations for the emergency. Donations may also be made by non-customers of the Bank using the following coordinates:

Account registered to Banca Mediolanum SpA per gli alluvionati di Liguria e Toscana
IBAN IT97 K030 6234 2100 0000 1801 800

Milan, 8 November 2011

Roberto Scippa
Direzione Relazioni con i Media
Gruppo Mediolanum
Mobile 335/8166556
Tel 02 9049.2902