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1.10 p.m.

Press Release

Mediolanum Vita S.p.A. resolved to issue a non-convertible subordinated bond

We inform that the Board of Directors of the entirely owned susbsidiary Mediolanum Vita S.p.A., held today in Basiglio, resolved to issue a non-convertible subordinated bond, in one or more emissions, not to be listed in regulated markets, up to a maximum amount of Euro 60 million, predominantly directed to the customers of the distributor Banca Mediolanum S.p.A.. These emissions are aimed at increasing the capitalization of the Company in relation to the rise of the collection registered from the beginning of the year, also considering that they could be used, under previous Isvap authorization, to calculate the constituting elements of the solvency margin. The emissions will be characterized by a maturity period between five and eight years, a floating rate indexed to the Euribor rate, a coupon structure and could also foresee a periodic amortisation of the capital. The specific details of each tranche will be described in each relating Term Sheet .

Basiglio – Milano 3, July 28 2009

Media Relations
Roberto Scippa
Tel +39 02 9049 2902
Fax +39 02 9049 2345

Investor Relations
Alessandra Lanzone
Tel +39 02 9049 2039

MEDIOLANUM S.p.A. Sede sociale: Palazzo Meucci - Via F. Sforza, Basiglio - Milano 3,
Cap. soc.: Euro 73.109.141,90.= i.v. C.F.- P. IVA - Registro Imprese di Milano: n 11667420159