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15.17 p.m

Press Release

Mediolanum SPA
Amendments to the bylaws

The Board of Directors of Mediolanum S.p.A., that met today resolved - pursuant to art. 2365, paragraph 2 of the Italian Civil Code and art. 23, paragraph 3 of the company’s Bylaws - to amend article 17 (Election of the Board of Directors) and article 27 (Election of the Board of Statutory Auditors) of the company’s Bylaws in compliance with the Investors’ Protection Act 2005 (Act 262/2005) as subsequently amended, and the related implementation regulations issued by CONSOB. The minutes of the Board Meeting setting out the text of the amendments to said articles of the Bylaws will be available at the company’s headquarters, the Italian stock exchange and the company website, within the term required under article 72, paragraph 5, letter b) of the Regulation for Issuers.

The Board of Directors noted that alternate statutory auditor Mr. Francesco Vittadini replaced Mr. Achille Frattini in the position of standing statutory auditor, following the resignation of the latter from that position.

Basiglio - Milano 3 City, June 27, 2007

Media Relations
Roberto Scippa
Tel +39 02 9049 2902
Fax +39 02 9049 2345

Investor Relations
Alessandra Lanzone
Tel +39 02 9049 2039