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Press Release

Following the appearance in a number of publications of the incorrect news of a relationship between Banca Mediolanum and Poste Italiane, Banca Mediolanum advises that the agreement between the two organisations relates exclusively to paying in, and collection and payment of cash and cheques. The agreement does not include the marketing of the Mediolanum Group's financial and insurance products, which occurs solely through the Group's Global Consultant network. The agreement does not include exclusivity clauses. The collection and payment services offered by Poste Italiane are available to many financial organisations: banks, public agencies, and private and municipalised companies.
Since 1997 when Banca Mediolanum was established, its clients have been able to carry out some of these transactions through the post office like any other company: the developments of Poste Italiane in recent years have made it a highly-advanced operation.
Banca Mediolanum is wholly owned by Mediolanum SpA, which is listed on the Milan Stock Exchange and is part of the MIB30, controlled by a shareholders' syndicate agreement constituted jointly by the Doris Group and the Fininvest Group.

Milan, January 29, 2004

Media Relations
Roberto Scippa
Tel 02 90492902
Fax 02 90492345
Mobile 335 8166556