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The Mediolanum Group discloses Q1 2003 Preliminary Results

Total consolidated net inflows: positive at 577 million Euro
Consolidated assets under administration: 20,834 million Euro
Significant inflows in Spain: Net 64 million Euro
and in Banca Esperia: Net 149 million Euro (Mediolanum's share)

Taking into account the unfavourable market environment in the 1st quarter of 2003 with respect to the same period last year, the results in terms of inflows and assets of the Mediolanum Group can be considered satisfactory.

Consolidated total Net Inflows including life, mutual funds and managed accounts, and direct and indirect inflows of the bank were positive at 577 million Euro. An important contribution was added by Banca Esperia with 149 million Euro and, for the first time, by Spain with 64 million Euro. The inflows into managed savings were particularly important with 564 million Euro.

Total Consolidated Assets remained practically unchanged compared to December 31, 2002, reaching 20,834 million Euro (-1% versus 21,014 million Euro). This is a notable result if one considers the negative performance of the stock markets that, in the period, were further depressed after the heavy depreciation in 2002, declining by 40% year on year.

With reference to Italy, the following volumes were registered:
With reference to Spain, the more developed of the New Ventures abroad, the following volumes are to be noted:

Download: Mediolanum Preliminary Figures Table Q1 2003

Milan, April 17, 2003

*These data are preliminary and are subject to variation.

Last update: April 17, 2003 - 15:00